There's absolutely nothing sweeter than being able to make a living on your own terms - earn more money, work wherever you want, choose who to work with, and create your own schedule.
But as dreamy as this lifestyle may sound, becoming a freelance champion is not that easy.
In order to get there, it’s quite crucial to have the right mindset, proper information, and preparation.
You can do two things: First, launch your own research and live with trial and error. Second, invest in online courses for freelancers.
In this post, I’ll give you 5 practical reasons for choosing the second option.
1. You will learn how to become a freelancer in a short period of time.
An online course has all the essential information you need at your fingertips.
It’s like having a GPS when you’re driving. If you’re not familiar with the routes, you don’t have to worry about getting terribly lost.
You’ll save yourself from taking wrong turns, so you’ll arrive at your destination much faster.
With an online course, you can be up to speed on the freelancing business within a short period of time. That is very much possible if you focus on it every day.
Trying to educate yourself using the free resources available on the internet can be extremely challenging.
Chances are, you will not find everything you need in one place. You’ll have to go through thousands of website pages, video tutorials, and whatnot.
It’s easy to get overwhelmed and you may end up dropping the whole idea of going freelance.
It may also take years for you to understand and have those lessons ingrained in your head.
2. You'll enjoy self-paced learning.
Most freelance courses are composed of pre-recorded lessons. There’s no fixed or rigid schedule to follow.
You can be a full-time employee, student, or a stay-at-home parent and still succeed in learning.
The modules and action items can be easily squeezed into bursts of time that you may find during the day so you can grasp things at your own pace.
3. You’ll be determined to take action.
A lot of freelancer wannabes consume loads of free courses and webinars but sadly, they don’t get anywhere near their goals. That’s because free stuff rarely gets valued.
Signing up for a paid online course will give you a higher level of determination to apply what you learn.
You won’t slack off or procrastinate because you’ll cringe at the thought of wasting your hard-earned money.
4. You'll belong to a community of like-minded individuals.
It's tough to learn the business of freelancing especially if no one in your family or circle of friends understands what you're up to.
Usually a course creator has an exclusive online community where you'll be surrounded by like-minded people and role models.
If you get stuck on a particular module, all you have to do is post your concerns or questions and aside from the mentor and coaches, there'll be an army of helpful and selfless freelancers who will come to the rescue. How awesome is that?
Apart from the lessons, you'll hear about winning moments, mistakes and lessons learned, job postings, and loads of advice on how to land your first contract.
You’ll have connections with coaches, accountability partners, and online buddies.
As a way of giving back you can also share your realizations and lend a helping hand.
5. You’ll get a roadmap to success.
The whole point of creating an online course is to provide a one-stop, all-encompassing, step-by-step guide so that a learner can become a nimble, flexible, and successful freelancer without having to wait for years to get results.
The VABootcamp is an online course and coaching program to help you get your first online job. It contains all the lessons, best practices, guidance, and coaching to help you be successful online.
You'll get:
We've worked so hard in outlining the steps required and point you in the direction of our best resources. By the time you get to the end, you should be ready to start your own freelancing career.
Final Thoughts
Most successful individuals invest in themselves and understand the power of learning from people who have already done what they are about to get into.
They have already cleared the way and all you have to do is take your own steps without going through the same painful mistakes that they have made. You can’t put a price on these things.
Excited to get your own freelancing roadmap and give a strong starting boost to your career?
You can do that now by signing up to the VA BOOTCAMP COURSE here.