Heard of the feast and famine cycle?
It's common for many freelancers.
In case you're not aware of it, here's what it looks like.
You get a big job that takes up all your time.
When the job is finished, however, you are back to where you started, searching for new work with zero income.
Got it?
Now, if you're someone who has monthly bills to pay or if you have a family to feed, this isn't a good scenario.
As much as possible, we'd want a stable income.
So we wouldn't worry on where to get the money for our expenses.
But how are we going to stop this feast and famine cycle?
Let's find out on November 8, 2021, in our FLIP Chat & Chill at 6 pm.
yes, being prepared that expectations may not be meet.. but thanks from your experience you overcome it.. we can too!
Yes! We must be a scout, always prepared!