Digital Marketer Saves 4 Hours A Day And Earns 6-Digits While Taking Care of Her Family

June 23, 2021
by Jason Dulay 
Jason is the founder and CEO of Work from Home Roadmap and VA Bootcamp. Aside from teaching Filipinos how to succeed working from home, he likes traveling, playing board games, and drinking coffee.
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Just the other day, she celebrated her first year as a freelancer.

And she jumped into it because she got tired of commuting.

Well, I can't blame her.

Knowing the traffic situation here, nakakapagod talaga.

It's stressful.

Good thing she found about freelancing while browsing the Internet.

And she never looked back.

She's enjoying the tasks she does for her clients.

The best part?

"I don't have to wake up 4 hours before my shift and I'm free from commuting. Also, I can work without really worrying about my family."

And tomorrow, she'll share with us her journey.

How she started in freelancing...

How she decided on the skills to offer...

And how she's able to get clients.

Digital Marketer Saves 4 Hours A Day And Earns 6-Digits While Taking Care of Her Family - JSU 06232021


Myla Nadela is a Digital Marketer saves 4 hours a day and earns six-digit while taking care of her family.

She is a home buddy and, wants to be with her family because her parents were elderly and at the nursing stage.

Came from the legal, venture Freelancing.

Notable Quotes

1:30 We are all dreaming to have worked at the convenience of our own homes most probably. 

1:35 Freelancing is not a job for everyone, I know people would prepare to go to the office because their brains are a program that way or they won’t change of environment because home is the place of convenient, but for me, I am a home buddy if there's a way for me to worked from home I would rather be at home, simply because I want to be with my family and my dogs. 

6:35 Limiting beliefs, the one’s stumbling, hindering you to move forward renewed or it’s your brain it’s your mind actually that's why it's called battle state of the mind. Now I am slowly getting there. Limiting beliefs slowly, a stronghold lessens change positive scripting, positive outlook in life.

7:27 I learned how to accept recognition, I learned to accept acknowledgment from other people because for me it’s normal what I face as a newbie you’re feeling but the truth means it’s still out there. After all, it’s in your brain it’s in your mind. The feeling of rejection, the feeling you’re not enough, the feeling of inadequacy, the feeling of inferiority it’s still there. It’s all on your mind trust me been there, done that. I have not overcome yet but I slowly face them. Step by step I overcome it coz I’m willing to overcome them. I’m willing to take the first step. I’ll initiate the steps to overcome them.

9:00 There are two kinds of confidence for me: confidence which is healthy at overconfidence. 

9:45 To all the newbies or even if not, it’s normal do not think you have separate or specialties that’s analysis paralysis you keep on thinking why I am here? What is my niche? What are my skills? Something like that.

10:11 Shine object, I want to learn. I’m enrolling but I failed to finish the courses. I enrolled in three courses, I finished the two, the third remains.

20:35 I was wrong, one of the worst decisions not so good decisions I’ve ever made  is not reaching out to the Coaches.

21:39 One of the perks of joining here is to be with people, that’s why we have a support system so you should enjoy what is out there, you should enjoy what is out there that we are offering which is the support system, you able are to gain friends and family even in this VA Bootcamp family.

24:58 Jason had done his best to make the course intuitive, and easy enough. He made that easy for us to follow through but it is important to have a support system.

27:29 This is not to brag but to motivate, as a newbie I see a lot of wins I feel courage in  a different effect.

29:09 It’s still healthy thinking or mindset you have to reach out to the course, you have to reach out to your classmates, or batchmates because it’s important to have a support system.

34:39 At first honestly don’t have a niche, I just want to be good and I have to build my confidence by doing something I’m good at and I’m not confident speaking in front of a lot of people so might as well talk to someone over the phone. I know I’m good, I can be good in inbound calls I base on it, to leverage and build. If you are not confident about a thing, do something comfortable, start being confident of what you are doing best and you will see that you are good enough and your mindset  will change, and you can see it easily,  so why not challenge me from different fields so from customer service I venture to cold calling, a venue for me from calls to marketing from the same company and I  was promoted.

38:18 A lot of people a lot of newbies here in freelancing don’t even realize that as long as they know how to talk, they don’t know that sometimes they don’t want to have face to face conversations over people, because sometimes they thrive to face less more than the face to face or Skype thing over their clients. 

38: 39 You have to know yourself from heckable of more than you do now, especially to lack of confidence, you sometimes doubt yourself. What you have to know is where you are good at and the things you like doing and don’t like doing. 

39: 29 You got to know your strengths and you got to know what you don’t want sometimes we misinterpret our weaknesses and we misinterpret what we don’t want to do versus our weaknesses and you need to identify that.

41:57 Have you faced freelancing, have you faced yourself, have you faced your fears? That’s what’s lead me here. I face my own I don’t totally overcome, but I’m getting through with it little by little.

46:53 Freelancing for me is a work of convenience, that’s the beauty of freelancing you can choose who your clients are if you already made a name for yourself. 

56:41: It’s hard to be stock on analysis paralysis, overthinking you may be feeling overwhelmed then there is fear but do not be afraid and do it anyway and succeed in it anyway.

57:17 The fear is there the fear is omnipotent there is always fear but we still have to do it because we are the freelancer we need to and we have to.

59:33 You have to be intuitive you have to be resourceful if you are applying for a job, spoon-feeding is a big no in applying for a job or even on the job itself if you have to do your part, go back to the basics foundation know your role is, whatever niche whatever job is you may need to understand what the job entails. 

1:03:08 Those who enroll it help the social media and the admin. 

1:03:19 If you are already enrolled please take advantage of the internship programs.

1:03:27 Before you pass the cover letter please used Grammarly if you know that you are not confident 

1:03:39 If you want to earn dollar, you learn how to speak not because of grammarian school, not because it school but you are speaking to foreigners if you wanna earn dollar you have to think of those things you need to think of it, you don’t need to think that you are an employee.

1:04:01 As a Freelancer you are a business partner you should be like that mentality, our mindset not just like in freelancer, we should build or create agency.

1:05:57 A: Success is an inside job. We always hear that “A mile starts with a single step” this is new  “Better than perfect” trust me I'm a victim of it, I want everything to be perfect. Do it now. Take action. Don’t be stock to analysis paralysis. Finished your course, do your assignments.

1:06:53 This is not a  college course or school they are not expecting you hundred percent perfect, this is not the goal of Jason or management,  the goal is to empower you, the goal is possible to arm you as much as possible

1:07:27 Freelancing world is not easy, I told you that is not easy, it is easy if you started and if you continue you’ll just be surprised as you can do, again success is not an inside job it is in you.

Journey to Freelancing 

One of the reasons why she opted for freelancing that is she tired of commuting and driving going to work.

She browses the internet she sees the teaser by Jason Dulay the five days free course.

2017 when she enrolled in VA Bootcamp.

She also enrolled in three different courses.

She is working in real estate and is now part of the digital marketing team of various real estate companies based in the US, UK, and Australia. 

She is an appointment setter to a digital marketer in a multi-million real estate company in the World.

She only wants to be the intern but was hired on the spot after two weeks promoted to client care after two months become  agent support from one agent to six agents plus the CEO 

After five months became an executive assistant.

 Q&A Highlights 

Q: Is that good to be an introvert?

A: In every behavioral pattern, there is pros and cons advantage and disadvantages but for me, it was extreme not because I have inferiority complex for me it’s just normal people see me I’m competitive but for me, I did not compete with other I compete with my self.

Q: What makes that impression on you?

A: Because I am silent and when I talk. This impression share with me they think that I’m bossy they surprised and it turned out I’m importunate, someone told me that I’m sassy because I’m very quiet during accountability sessions before I didn’t talk, not knowing that I’m sleeping or sometimes I have a job. I tend to keep in myself.

Q: Does being an introvert benefit you being a freelancer?

A: Yes, it helps me because I tend to work and work.

Q: Is your life better now?

A: Definitely yes

Q: What is the thing I have done to overcome challenges?

A: First, I apply to a job that I am not comfortable with, which is calls for like me that, not a talkative person I’m not comfortable in talking, my previous job in BPO is fraud they are the ones who call us they transferred us calls I’m not proactive to received call unlike right now, I cold call initially. 

When Coach Bong opened appointment setters in one real state company what I did is something I was not comfortable with I applied since it makes me talk because we will be the one who calls.  

You know what the feeling that your fear of rejection is gone because each calls you are supposed to make two hundred calls and you are lucky when you make thirty calls that the phone did not drop you, that’s the ratio, that is why my fear in rejection was gone. Every day you suppose to lead generate eight hours a day I intentionally do that to overcome my introvert at the same time I overcome my fear of rejection mentality.

Q: In your couple of days of rejection haven’t you cried, the fact that your introvert and successive rejection? 

A: Yup, the good thing about being introvert because they are thinkers, they usually know their strengths and weaknesses, so it’s really up to them to come up and stand out and to face their fears. What I did, to achieve something I want to work online I have to do something. Before that, we are the first anniversary I told them that I practice in a support group June batch last year the usual me I will not share posts, I will not share comments I intentionally doing things I know I am not into it but intentionally did it and things her in JSU also intentionally said yes. 

What I’m trying to say is that not only newbies felt it even tenure freelancers, even those I’ve meet people feel the same way, there was a time zone, they are six-digit earner for after two years they felt lazy or let say struggles and life happen to them they stop I meanwhile still living there struggles I mean, who’s exempted?  

Q: Your attitude like that, that you intended you look a task that will build you, that will help you conquer whatever it is you want to conquer, when did you learn that strategy?

The good thing about it is I’m also a voracious reader, watching TV like a typical so what I did, to overcome those struggles of mine while reading, I read how to overcome them again I intentionally look for ways how to overcome them like that while reading the internet like this VA Bootcamp I reaching out Coach Bong, Coach Mitch which is not normal for me I’m usually the usual lurker. I finished the course without comment hello, I finished the course without assistance and told myself I could finish it. But I was wrong one of the worst decisions not so good decisions I’ve ever made.

Q: Why do you think so? Why do you think that wasn’t the decision that you made?

Because even if you are good there are people who are better than you, and those people who are better than you, there are still people who are better or best. There is somebody who is always on top of you that particular person so again what I did is I don’t need Coaches I don’t need a mentor that’s baloney that’s egoism that’s over-confident.

Q: So let me ask you again, you said that this trait of yours that your course made you alone and this feeling you can stand by yourself without the help of anybody else did you benefit from that in your freelancing journey?

Honestly, I enrolled in 2017 but I started my journey, two years after because my parents retired, and for some reason doing baloney, I accompany them during their retirement period and a lot of things happen as well so I have to resign from work I have to go back to the province and so on. I felt lazy because at that time I self alone it’s not because the coaches or the people of VA Bootcamp were not reaching out it’s just that I alienated myself I isolated myself because I thinking that I can do it. I mean the instruction is very easy just have to do it there we just have to follow Jason’s instructions, I mean what could I go wrong.

Q: What got you interested in joining VA Bootcamp?

I got interested, the course was so easy to follow for me, I did need someone else to support for me to be able to finish the course but then again it is not all for that mentally. It’s still healthy thinking or mindset you have to reach out to the course you have to reach out to your classmates or batchmates because it’s important to have a support system.

I came from legal it’s a different set it’s a stiff kind of environment. What intrigued me at first was I was one of the skeptics it’s a scam honestly is a scam whoever this Dulay is His a scam until I read it, again and again. 

This is a free course I mean there’s nothing lost at me instead I gain what usually thinks so I take a free course until I understand there’s a lot of things that I do not yet know but so I want to learn these things and if I could allow me to work at home then I will take a chance and for me, it’s a miscalculated risk again as a teacher everything I don’t take risk automatically it’s not my nature I enrolled in VA Bootcamp a skeptic but I was trying to prove that legit that what I think that’s why I not trying to reaching out to Coaches Half of my brain do it and half of my brain stop it’s like I just wasted money I still did it anyway. I mean even if I was skeptical I still did, I pay it already, why should not start, why haven’t stood up, why should I make it?

Q: Do you remember specifically when you had that moment that told yourself this is real? 

A: Yes, come to the point in email management, early as that yes I get it and this is true because even if I’m really good in excel I don’t know google in Gmail, I know yahoo that time, and I challenge myself to practice it intentionally, and I prove it this is true, this is not a scam.

Q: You were always careful with your steps especially when you were sending cover letters when you were starting a freelancer?

A:  Yes, I’m with my nature that I know I always make to the point that at the end of the day, I’m not losing money, because I’m not a rich person, it loses of money and time when we invest in nonsense but the time I am looking for a venue that would help me lead to work at home and work a better opportunity the why not.

Q: How were you able yourself assure during your earlier steps in freelancing, that everyone is scarce, you know this unknown entity of freelancing people do not know whether they are going to land a  job land, contract, or land client, do you have steps or reminders of yourself to bet carefully and self-assured you’re in your earlier week of freelancing? 

At first, honestly don’t have a niche, I just want to be good at I have to build my confidence by doing something I’m good at and I’m not confident speaking in front of a lot of people so might as well talk to someone over the phone. I know I’m good, I can be good in inbound calls I base on it, to leverage and build. If you are not confident about a thing, do something comfortable, start being confident of what you are doing best and you will see that you are good enough and your mindset was changed, and you can see it easily,  so why not challenge me from different fields so from customer service I venture to cold calling, a venue for me from calls to marketing from the same company and promoted but at first I refuse to promotion 

Q: Why you don’t like a promotion?

A: Lots of responsibility, I’d been admin before so the calls after the shift it’s done,  admin or in marketing, you still working to finish your task.

Q: Talk about how you were able to discover your niche?

A: When I’m in real estate in the US, I didn’t know that what’s normal for me is the best for them. I always think I just know what my role is. 

I have to really understand what my role is, whatever niche you may be at maybe in right now you have to understand what your role is for internalized the role as an appointment setter inside sales agent so we have quota every day yo have a conversation like this and to at least introduce clients or prospect in a week I understand my role and I didn’t at the same time I didn’t notice I’m providing value to others and for me it just really normal I don’t do extra efforts I was really doing what was expected of me and I was being consistent doing it if you don’t know what you’re doing If I’m not doing what I’m just really into doing I’m just capable of doing and what is being expected of me, not because of you’re a pleaser but because that’s what I’m telling all the time. You are already there, why don’t you do it? Be enrolled in the course and take all the chances. 

Q: Is there any question that I should I ask that I didn’t?


Q: With your experience being legal to being a skeptic to now as a six-digit earner saving four hours a day and taking care of your family and being an excellent freelancer rejecting clients and workloads. What is the greatest advice that you can give to our audiences?

A: It’s hard to be stock on analysis paralysis, overthinking you may be feeling overwhelmed then there is fear but do not be afraid and do it anyway and succeed it anyway.

Q: Any final words?

A: Success is an inside job. We always hear that “A mile starts with a single step” this is new “Better than perfect” trust me I'm a victim of it, I want everything to be perfect. Do it now. Take action. Don’t be stock to analysis paralysis. Finished your course, do your assignments. This is not a college course or school they are not expecting you hundred percent perfect, this is not the goal of Jason or management.t the goal is to empower you, the goal is possible to arm you as much as possible, to face the freelancing world which is not easy, I told you that is not easy, it is easy if you started and if you continue, you’ll just be surprised as you can do, again the success is not inside job it is in you.

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by Jason Dulay 
Jason is the founder and CEO of Work from Home Roadmap and VA Bootcamp. Aside from teaching Filipinos how to succeed working from home, he likes traveling, playing board games, and drinking coffee.

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71 comments on “Digital Marketer Saves 4 Hours A Day And Earns 6-Digits While Taking Care of Her Family”

  1. As an introvert...i did some extrovert jobs....retail sales peep....lead generalist...cold calling....appointment setter...BPO jobs....and I am still an introvert =)

  2. Everything is a learning process actually di rin ako marunong sa call center tindera lang ako sa palengke noon at tagabantay ng lugawan until i apply and naging everyday work ko alam ko iba sya sa BPO pero i know kaya ko yan 🙂 that is why I am eager to learn about being VA , kasi i want to work while being with my family and having a lot of time with them 🙂 thank you for this i was able na magkaroon ng idea

  3. Hi Mayla, you have a great freelancing journey and it's so inspiring. There's a lot of encouragement and words of wisdom that I got. Thank you and I am interested in the way to apply with over 6 years of experience in a BPO company and also an aspiring freelancer as well.

    Here's my email address:

  4. Hi there! I simply want to give you a big thumbs up for the great information you have right here on this post. I will be returning to your blog for more soon.

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